Roben-Marie Smith - one of my bestie artists has this wonderful thing she does on Friday's.  It is called "Friday Fill-In's."
You have to read hers, they are SO creative and wonderful.

Today she invited us to join along with her on this wonderful site.    Thanks Roben-Marie.  Your generousity matches your kindness!

So here I go.

1. Oh, that sure is frustrating when your son's night away is cancelled at the last minute!

2. It's a sure sign of over-spending when you get nervous to pick up the mail.

3. Are we having that same old spagetti recipe again??!.

4. My heart jumps with joy each time I hear my cub's voices on the telephone!

5. Do you believe in psychic abilities?  I do!

6. I'm a totally happy and thankful person.  Apple is replacing my swimming iphone for $79.00! 

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching my PVR saved TV shows, finishing my blog and, tomorrow my plans include going to an all day scrapping event and Sunday, I want to be on time to trade my yucky android for an ipad 2.  Yay Kijiji!

Now, that wasn't so bad!!!
Thanks Roben-Marie.

If you want to play too, go HERE.  Thanks Friday Fill-Ins!  What a great idea  :)


(blogger is going bananas with the spacing - sorry!)

I've given you a tangent of pictures below.  The first set is my "scribble till you dribble" style, the second a picture drawn by my daughter, which is "in progress," and the 3rd...some color and lighten up the mood!

I have 3 addictions that are killers for me, so hard to battle; I have battled them all my life and they are murderous on my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

They are Sugar (the Cocaine of the 40's - refer to The Sugar Blues book), Wheat, and Dairy. Sweets emit the same pain in my legs that runners get after a marathon or extreme exercisers get after a workout without a good stretch before and after. Wheat gives me the 3 month pregnant feel and look (refer to The Wheat Belly) and Dairy puts me to sleep instantly in a black-out style.

When I looked at my piece of "Scribble till you Dribble" I saw 3 nuns. I magnified them, saw "my little children inside me (my conscious mind that speaks in my gut) and their NEED for me to STOP! and to STOP NOW! I have gone as long as a year in my past, and it was glorious. I realized with this piece of art that my inner children can not breathe as long as I continue to feed this addiction.

This addiction is life-changing for me. It affects my mood in serious ways, my body in extremely painful ways, my psyche in dibilitating ways and my mind in numbing ways. It is time....

What is your addiction and how is it affecting you? Only if you are comfortable, and only if you have one/some we can all fess up and share....or not!  All is good!!  Kisses, Samara





Daughter Ayla - The True Artist's - Work of the Week (in progress)

My color I can breathe.  My Private Rainbow!!!


Me! At the thought of success.
Life without Sugar, Wheat or Dairy!




This is a piece I did this week.

The piece speaks for itself.
I also did a fun duck! 
Both used what my little inner children have named 

the "Scribble till you Dribble" method!

What I am about to post gives Dina Wakley the credit for getting me here.  She is a master at what she does and without her, I would not have discovered what I have about where I can explore with my own art styles.

It is interesting, in my last post I was so sure I had found "my place, my calling, my style."
 I started with The Dina Wakley Style and then, as seems to happen when one "copies" another in any way whatsoever, it stopped working for me the next day!  

 G-D Speed

So I had to keep working and drawing and looking and seeing and feeling and exploring.

What I discovered.

I can not color the image (as Dina does) and see ANYTHING! (as in seeing forms in the clouds.

I can not keep my eyes open and let my hand wander, (as I was taught) I have to CLOSE my eyes and go right to my inner most being FIRST, then with my eyes CLOSED, start "Scribbling till I Dribble."

What I mean by the "Dribble" is listening intently to my little children inside.

They tell me "enough!"
We are done.

I don't paint my art (as Dina does and as I was taught, before I look.)  This made me a bit crazy and confused and I was going against my grain and working completely from my head.  I just seemed to SHIFT from my gizzards to my brain automatically when I started to paint my I don't....


If I look at my scribble right away, I feel my impatience come up big time.
This impairs my art.
It brings up all kinds of things like:
Can't do it
I'm not really an artist
Why didn't I stay in Law School
I really should be officiating weddings and funerals

When I come back to my picture, I stand about ten feet away and put it on a solid background.
OH! (also a departure from Dina) I use a SU water soluble pastel rather than a   water soluble pencil.
I need heavy black marks.

I look and look away.
I come back and rotate the pic.
If my mind wanders, I shelve it (like in therapy or meditation.)
I come back again and rotate it.
I come back again and it is back where it started.

Then I come up close and look on the diagonals.
This is how I found this picture.
It jumped right out oat me.


I saw two beings fertile and one not.
I saw a goddess on the far right.
I saw twins in the being on the left, one being in the middle and a void on the right.

The Goddess was safety.

DUCK and baby duck FOR FUN!
This was a "snap" to see

I paint, I use tombows, I use mists, I use pastels, I use crayons.
I fingerpaint, I use household goodies, I use proper stencils, I use lace as stencils.
I hate what I create and cover it up and finger paint over it in white gesso or black gesso.
I buy the cheapest products available.
I boycott liquitex and all the expensive products.
I shop at Hardware stores for most of my products, mediums and the dollar store for my paints.

 I'm a really poor people mommy artist.
and I know there are LOTS of us out there.
Too many crafts (music lessons etc.) I find are CLASSIST and not using a sliding scale of ANY sort.
You can tell I am passionate about this!

because liquitex, neo, dylan, ranger, Caran D'Ache, Dewent, Kohl Noor etc. (though you will see and the rest of the typically names products are do damn expensive!
I do buy only some of these products but very infrequently.
My friend Roben-Marie has always given me great alternatives for expensive products and links to get them as well as her original products.

My new friend Tam, from Willowing, also recognizes that not all people can afford all the expensive workshops out there but would love to take them and as are entitled as everyone else who CAN afford them.  She accommodates this.  She is an AMAZING artist!!!

And I am sure there are many other artists who will accommodate, if we ask.  I only know my OWN experience of asking and not being met by many many workshops I would have loved to take (asking for payment plans only!)  GRRR.  Oh well, in my next life maybe.

on that very strong note

Finding Zen in the Pen

21 SECRETS Workshop - Teacher 6 - Dina Wakley

This is a letter I wrote to my Teacher of the ART 

Hi Dina (Wakley): 

from The Dirty Footprints 21 Secrets Workshop 

This was so cool!  I think I might have found my style...  What an all day process.  oy.  Well, the first go at it I really loathed.  It took 3/4 of the day.  So I decided to cover it all up with gesso and then finger paint.  I loved that and wondered why I hadn't done that all along!  I realized I was too much into your style after watching the video - very aware of my boxes etc. when I am a complete spiral gal.  

So after I did the gesso I did a bazillion circles with my palette knife and the wonderful gal I did underneath all the gesso, with a camera taking pics of her came through under the gesso (the colors), which I loved!  

Then I decided "close your eyes Samara, get rid of all the visual stim and just sink down."  And WOW what a diff!  I opened them and saw ME!  I still didn't know what I saw but I knew it was MY style.  So I looked and looked and looked.  Close up, far away, upside down etc. and then found it. Just like you suggested:  "look at your picture just like you look up at the clouds and find your picture....or not!"

I have always hated nursery stories and never said/read them to my kids for all the negative psychological/philosophical reasons and studies that are out there about them.  And this is what I saw in my pic.  WOW I amazing.  Here I am scribbling like a child with a black pencil with my eyes closed, and how I feel about nursery rhymes (sp) comes through.  

I took some "under my paper fabric" that I use for the messes but keep for just things like this, for the wagon and wheels.  The top of the baby was initially arms, as I saw it, then when I was finished I saw the weight of the nursery stories on babies (in my view only.)  Circles and circles and circles of them (all the generations telling the same stories.)  

The wagon (for me) was pulling the child into the abyss of the nursery rhymes (sp) and believing (in my view) they were innocent nice little stories (or walt disney movies and plays) that we take our children to (I didn't with my 27, 24 and now 14 year old) - without looking at the psychological imperatives it is brainwashing them with (in my view and the studies "I" choose to side with in the journals etc.)  

Wheels above, wheels below..."falling off the wagon"....literally and figuratively" because their was so much guilt (in my case) to tell my babies these stories or to be at "mommy and me groups" and be the only mommy who didn't know the words because I chose consciously to not have them in my psyche or the psyche of my cubs.  

So, my newest artist kisses friend, onward to the art, now you have the story and how effective "what you wanted to achieve was" in my somewhat convoluded process.  Oh, btw, the second piece took 1/4 of the time of the first piece!  No surprise.  Honestly Dina...I look at it and and am shocked such a process of (my new name - for me - "Scribble till you Dribble" (while always giving you credit for teaching me) - could be MY most comfortable way to epitomize who I am and where I am at, was at, will be...without even knowing it!  So Random!!! or not!!!  Gosh, I hope I can one day come to one of your workshops in person and see where I go with it.

I'll upload a few so you can see the techniques I used.  I loved this and will surely do a few more before I move on to the next workshop.  thanks so much for helping me to find MY way that digs deep to where I "need" to be! 

Kisses, Samara

Products Used

SU Pastels
Dylusions Mists
Inktense Pencils
Watercolor Acrylic Tubes (of every sort)
Pitt Pen, Faber Castell, Sharpie, Uniball
Drydex Spackling
Pre-Mixed Adhesive and Grout
Tombow Markers
Fiskars Templates and Stencils
Royal Paintbrushes
Pure Cotton Fabric
Cotton Material Cover that covers a Cooked Ham (used as a stencil)
water (of course)
My Fingers!
Plastic Spatula

Sharing Picture With
to be determined

21 SECRETS.....


Has this incredible workshop on right now called "21 Secrets."  You will see it on my sidebar.  I am finding myself short on words and long on art so I will go straight to the art after a short meditation...

When you are with everyone but me,
                    you're with no one.
When you are with no one but me,
                    you're with everyone.
Instead of being so bound up with everyone,
                    be everyone.
When you become that many, you're nothing.

Hop over to The Dirty Footprints Studio.  This is from Dale Anne Potter's Workshop. You can find Dale Anne at .  Dale is not only a possitivarian, she is a quality, honest and genuinely frank person who will share her difficult journey with you and how she "personally" became one of the most possitive and inspirational people I know.  I am proud to call Dale my friend.  You will be too. 
On 21 Secrets,  You can read what Dale taught me, what the book is for, what is inside, and how magical it's contents are for positivity, enlightment and extreme upliftment. 
I say no more!
SAMARA - Fall colors - Texture - AG - Paper Piercing - Die cuts and Punches - Trees (they are the stencils which are a "Nature" set of trees, birds and flutterbyes - I used the trees - to match the Greens on the flip side of the Postcard decor) - Fall - A Quote - AG - encouragement/upliftment/love - it's a party! - add your art! home - autumn beauty