Jack White...what a fantastic musician!

For today, I have taken some of the lyrics from "Seven Nations Army Video" and made a card that typifies an all too often scene in my home City - Toronto.

Whether it be in a Park, on the Street or in an Alley, it is so wrong, so sad, so blatantly unacceptable that we, as a community, are complacent to this.  That we move in a direction, that we walk on by - both figuratively and literally.  I am as guilty of this as the next person, seeing it all my life.

But when I decided to do an art piece like for Musically Challenged Challenge, as a DT, - this I thought..."WOW, WAIT A MINUTE SAMARA!  What are you doing to help end this tragedy and what can you do?"

So my path at this present moment is to research the best way possible to make a difference in this aspect of Street Life in the Big City.  To find a way to help those who want to be helped.  To contribute what I can - being a poor turtle myself - and in a way I can, that will hopefully make a small dent in this picture becoming a new picture I will "art" one day.

What do you think - how does this picture and the situation impact you where you live?

I am curious...


HeArtfully Yours,


  1. Wow! A definite impact. Wonderful work and yes sad that anyone is without a home in Canada. A family friend was instrumental in developing The Hope Centre in our city and still devotes countless hours to helping the homeless. I'm sure there are many organizations in Toronto that do the same. Good luck!
    Stay inspired!

  2. What a dynamic and beautiful piece, Samara. Our city has many shelters and soup kitchens to help the destitute. Many churches offer housing and food (ours does). Unfortunately many of the homeless are mentally ill or alcoholics and do not seek help. Others, like one interviewed on TV, said he liked his "job" (begging on the street corner) and didn't want a regular job. It is a complex problem that every city is dealing with. I for one had rather hand out coupons for McDonalds than hand out money that could be used to enable someone's addiction. Winter is coming on. Stay involved. The help organizations need volunteers.

  3. An awesome inspirational creation. Yes, homeless people in South Africa, is a norm and we encounter this countless time each day just going about with our lives.
    This is so perfect for our OPTIMISM theme this month. Thanks for sharing your talent with us and good luck.
    Optimistic Hugs
    {Path of Positivity DT Member}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  4. Fabulous Samara.....I am surprised if you have lots of homeless in Toronto it gets so cold in the winters. Our shelter system here is pretty good and we have a big and successful food bank which feeds all the shelters all over our state. That is one of our charities...Local, feed and care for your neighbor. xox

  5. what a poignant collage Samara. Sadly homelessness is everywhere in every country and all we can continue to do is support our local shelters and soup kitchens in any way we can. Aiding in or starting a soup kitchen or having food supply bags for pick up if needed can even begin in a church basement. We cannot take everything on individually but as a community it can leave a great impact on the lives of those in need. XO

  6. Nice composition, original design, with a bold message! I like!

  7. Hi Samara. Big impact. It always floors me when I see these situations. I did a post about it a while back on one of my other blogs. Good of you to post this.

  8. I lived and worked in the NYC area for most of my life and it broke my heart. It broke even more when I realized how indifferent I had become. Beautiful and very meaningful art work

  9. Very powerful piece Samara! Scenes like this make me so sad, and you're right, every big city has them. It's like Faye says: it's a complex problem, not everyone wants help, some use the money to just buy alcohol or drugs again, and then you're not really helping them. I think the best way to help (some of) them is by acknowledging they're human, by talking to them, being friendly to them, giving them food instead of money, offer them some company and words... Not easy ....

  10. Very strong and intense, great piece! <3

  11. Where I live, Manila, Philippines, we have many squatters, and many who go around with their "cariton", not shopping carts, but like a big wheelbarrow made of wood. Sometimes, families live in caritons, and you can see kids sleeping inside it. It can make you feel helpless especially with the recent crisis her about lawmakers getting millions of pesos for fake projects! But like that story of the man and the starfishes, we can help 1 person and it will make a dent in the life of one. We don't have to think of helping ALL because we won't start at all! Blessings to you! patsy

  12. What an inspiring sentiment combined with the photo and the bird with a song. We all have songs, don't we, regardless of our "station" in life. Thank you for the loveliness you have shared. hugs, de

  13. Your creation is rather powerful. While our homeless pop isn't as significant as the bigger cities, it is still a problem nonetheless. Thankfully, we have a soup kitchen and a shelter and many food banks to help out although so much more is needed. I think you also broached an important point--"To find a way to help those who want to be helped". There are people on the streets because that is where they want to be. Others are there because they aren't willing to change the lifestyle that put them there in the first place (i.e. alcoholism and drugs). Unfortunately though, there are a number of homeless people that are on the streets due to mental health issues and others due to financial circumstances. We desperately need a better system in place for helping these individuals get off the street and get some of their dignity back. Your artwork certainly highlights the need for more work to be done regarding this multitudinous plight.



My wish for you is a great day full of laughter! Samara x